Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chasing the Sun

When the sun set tonight I had an urge to run toward the horizon and peek over the edge to see where it had gone. 

As it sets and disappears from my sight, somewhere someone is turning toward the east and watching it come up over a hill and begin its journey across that sky.  I think of the book "A Little Prince" whose illustrations always show the main character, standing on the planet which is not much bigger than he is, and which he could walk around if he chose.  And I find myself wishing I could do that, too.  Chase the sun around the earth.  Watch it shine on other surfaces.  Until I end up back here.  And then let it go.

It's a crazy feeling to think that the reason the sun is sinking beneath the horizon, is actually that we are moving up and away from the sun.  The sun is staying perfectly still.  We are riding backwards on a giant ferris wheel.

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