Sunday, April 17, 2011

An Addiction That Needs No Cure

What’s more fun than a barrel full of monkeys?  A hot tub full of your best friends! 

Last weekend, my daughters surprised me with an early birthday celebration.  They whisked me away to breakfast at a Capitol Hill creperie and then to a nearby women’s spa where, unbeknownst to me, they had sneakily assembled six of my closest women friends.   The manager of the spa took me a “tour” of the facility.  Entering the tub room I had a split second to notice a number of women already in the water before they jumped up, their unison shout of “SURPRISE!” echoing off the tiled walls. After my heart returned to its normal rate, I spent two dreamy hours luxuriating in the warmth of the tub, sauna and steam room and in the sweet, loving company of my beautiful friends.

I love my husband (who was part of the planning and scheming of this surprise).  He is my best friend and has stood by me when even I couldn’t stand being around myself. My entire life has been blessed with fabulous male friendships.  But I honestly do not know how I would get through this life without my girlfriends.  They are the glue that holds me together when I am falling apart. They fill in the gaps when things start to crack.  They know me better than I know myself and they love me for who I am – and, at times, I am sure, in spite of how I am.

I am certain that same sex friendships are important and necessary.  But I can’t speak to what it is like to be a man or to be friends with a man - as a man.  So for now, this one’s for the ladies.  But keep reading, all you men who love the women in your lives and understand that when we get together with the girls, it’s a good thing.   A very good thing.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

To Facebook or Not to Facebook? That is the Question.

The peer pressure is mounting.  I’m weakening, losing my resolve. I mean, I don’t want to get left behind…  stuck outside the circle…  or do I?

I have resisted the Facebook phenomenon because, for me, the reasons for joining are not all that compelling.  It’s fun!  Okay.  I’m always up for a good time.  But I’d rather go out for margaritas or a walk on the beach than sit in front of the computer.   It reconnects you with people from your past.  That intrigues me.  (I do occasionally wonder what happened to that guy I made out with in eighth grade.) But I’m fine with the memories and the friends I have today.  It’s the main way people are connecting now; it’s replacing email; if you don’t join in, you’re out of the loop.  That’s where I start to waver.

I have always waited and watched before jumping on the latest technology (or other) craze. I was the last to get an answering machine, and only when three frustrated friends chipped in and forced one on me for my birthday. Remember when Call Waiting was new?  My husband renamed it “Call Rude” and we cancelled after trying it for a short time.  When at last I gave my daughters permission to set up My Space pages, not wanting them to feel like social oddballs, I made them swear on their Converse All Stars that they would be responsible with their postings. My kids were late in the game getting cell phones and we added texting long after the majority were bumping into trees and parked cars as they walked home from school, texting all the way.

So here I am again.